Friday, August 8, 2014

        I recently read an article in the Austin American Statesman about how a $1.25 million settlement was awarded to the three minor children of a Texas man who was fatally shot by a policeman last year.  This settlement is the largest in Austin’s history.  The man was shot in the back of the neck.  The police officer has been indicted on the charge of manslaughter.  There wasn’t much other background information, but I couldn’t help but think about the fact that he was shot in the back of the head.  I couldn’t help but wonder why in the world an officer would shoot someone in the back of his or her neck.  If someone isn’t even facing you, how are they an imminent threat to you?  Aren’t officers supposed to only shoot to kill in situations that put the safety of themselves or others in direct risk?  Furthermore, it is unsettling to me how the officer was only charged with manslaughter.  A charge of manslaughter basically means that there was less moral thought than Murder 1 or 2.  In my opinion, this story reeks of a police officer over using his powers.  It is frightening to think that someone who is supposed to be protecting us and keeping the peace is shooting another man in the back of the neck.  I think Texas needs to be more careful about who they hire and train to become a police officer.

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